- Coupures en #alphabétisation ou le combat du gouvernement Harper contre la société civile! http://huff.to/1mLTAhu #educqc #former #polqc
Canadian Literacy and Essential Skills Network's Future in Jeopardy | The Canadian CED Network
The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) is a national member-led organization committed to strengthening Canadian communities by creating economic opportunities that enhance social and environmental conditions. Learn more about CCEDNet "Cavanagh challenges funding cut to Literacy Nova Scotia
"This is a bad situation, and it's just the beginning," Danny Cavanagh said of the funding cut announced last week. "Nova Scotians who need help to further their literacy and essential skills will not have anywhere to turn to get that help."Literacy groups decry cuts
OTTAWA - Sparks flew Saturday as federal Liberal leadership candidates Marc Garneau and Justin Trudeau faced each other for the first time since Garneau launched an unprecedented attack on the campaign frontrunner earlier in the week. The confrontation in Toronto [...]- If you can't read it you don't know it - Federal cuts threaten community learning programs http://bit.ly/1j8hP6a @literacyns1 @Tony_Tracy
- #LiteracyNS: a small organization with a huge impact -Pulse of Queens County http://pulseofqueenscounty.wordpress.com/2014/05/27/21963/ … #Literacy #StopFundingCuts #NovaScotia
- Ottawa Citizen front page - read article online here: http://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/literacy-organizations-say-federal-government-abandoning-them … pic.twitter.com/ICYkyYURYx
- Sign our petition: Reverse federal funding cuts to #literacy in Canada! @Southshorenow @TruroNews @capebretonpost http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/not-only-is-literacy-not-a-priority-for-the-harper-government-but-it-has-been-abandoned-stop-federal-funding-cuts …
- Federal government quietly collapses Canada's literacy and essential skills network - http://eepurl.com/VxIXf
- Literacy advocates rally against cuts to programs http://www.cbc.ca/1.2649932 pic.twitter.com/9dbmT5s5ZR
Le ministre Kenney fait l'éloge des collèges communautaires qui préparent les étudiants à occuper des professions en demande
L'honorable Jason Kenney, ministre de l'Emploi et du Développement social, a prononcé un discours aujourd'hui dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle de l'Association des collèges communautaires du Canada.- Ce matin, j'ai questionné le ministre de l'éducation sur les coupures des org. en #éducation des adultes et en #alphabétisation #assnat
- Ottawa abandonne les programmes d'alphabétisation: les clientèles les plus vulnéralbes touchées http://bit.ly/1gU3aBj #LMAWorks
- L’ICÉA condamne l’abolition des subventions fédérales de trois groupes qui oeuvrent pour l'alphabétisation des... http://bit.ly/1mlWbyq
- Triste nouvelle pour le monde de l'alphabétisation au Canada http://bit.ly/1oNvDIL
- Les groupes en alphabétisation rappellent eux aussi au gouvernement du Québec l'engagement de rehausser le... http://fb.me/1kwfTiTzc
- Nous tenons à souligner notre indignation devant les coupures en alphabétisation et les propos méprisants du... http://fb.me/36BVU8EB0