Conférence de Jan Eldred du National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education (NIACE - Grande-Bretagne), le 13 mai

Conférence de Jan Eldred du National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education (NIACE - Grande-Bretagne), le 13 mai

So what do you get when you invest £1billion in adult literacy and numeracy?

What can we learn from the UK experience?

Le Centre for Literacy vous invite à venir entendre Jan Eldred du National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education (NIACE) (Grande-Bretagne), le 13 mai à 19h30 au Collège Dawson.

La Grande-Bretagne est l'un des pays leaders en matière d'éducation des adultes. En effet, le gouvernement britannique a investi plus que tous les autres pays industrialisés pour améliorer l'alphabétisation des adultes. Depuis 2001, le pays s'est engagé dans une stratégie intitulée "Skills for Life", qui lui a permis de développer le domaine dans différents secteurs (recherche, institutions scolaires, milieu de travail, milieu de la santé, bibliothèques, musées, etc.). C'est cette stratégie que présentera Madame Eldred.

Extrait de l'invitation
The British government has invested more to improve adult literacy and numeracy than any industrialized country in the world. Since launching their Skills for Life strategy in 2001, they have created curriculum, qualification requirements, teacher training programs, a national test, stringent tracking mechanisms, and a national research centre. They have worked across sectors that include education, workplace training, health, libraries and museums, and others. Jan Eldred will talk about the outcomes, both intended and unintended, of this initiative. We will have a response from a Quebec adult learning perspective.

Jan is known for her research on many aspects of adult and community literacy and learning, including family literacy, learners with difficulties and health inequalities, formative assessment, and perceptions of success in teaching and learning adult literacy. Recently, she has worked on RARPA, a project that created a framework for recognition and recording of learning in non-accredited programs. Besides her involvement with the UK national strategy on adult literacy and numeracy, Jan sits on EU bodies that are examining Adult Learning policy across countries.

NIACE is one of the most dynamic adult learning organizations in the world, a leader in the UK and worldwide since 1921

Lire l'invitation (en anglais)