Documents du séminaire «Measuring Generic Work Skills Using the Job Requirements Approach (JRA)»
Ce séminaire international a été organisé à Thessalonique les 12 et 13 février par l'OCDE et le CEDEFOP (European center for the development of vocational training). Une méthode pour mesurer les compétences mises en oeuvres dans l'activité professionnelle (Generic Work Skills) a été présentée et évaluée par les participants et participantes, en vue de son utlisation lors de la prochaine enquête internationale sur les compétences des adultes. Les documents de l'événement sont maintenant disponibles en ligne (en version anglaise).
Présentation :
The aim of this international seminar, organised jointly by the OECD and Cedefop, was to make methods for measuring the use of generic work skills more widely known. The focus was on the Job Requirement Approach (JRA), which has been applied successfully in various countries. This approach is set to be included in the new international survey of adult skills, to be run as part of the OECD’s Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC).
Measuring the type and level of an extensive range of generic skills used in jobs with the JRA, within an internationally comparative survey, is something entirely new. To makes sure this approach is feasible, a JRA pilot study was carried out in Australia, France, Greece and Korea.
Participants in the OECD-Cedefop seminar discussed the results of this path-breaking pilot study. They also reviewed other national experiences with the JRA method and discussed the relevance of its results for policy and research.
Accéder aux documents du séminaire (en anglais)