Le blogue Facts in Education : la recherche au service de l'information en éducation
Facts in education, un projet de l'Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) (affilié à l'Université de Toronto), vise à assurer l'exactitude des informations sur l'éducation diffusées dans les médias canadiens. En s'appuyant sur des données empiriques, issues de "recherches substantielles", l'équipe du projet qui s'est entourée d'expert(e)s du domaine au Canada, veut corriger et faire connaître les "vrais faits" de l'éducation au pays.
Présentation (en version originale anglaise)
Facts in Education aims to correct significant factual errors about education that appear in various news media sources across Canada, and to create wide awareness of the correct information.
We are a non-partisan effort and are not affiliated with any particular position, opinion or organization. We respect the right of any commentator to hold their own views and opinions. We will not be taking issue with the expression of opinion. Rather we are solely concerned with stories that are inconsistent with the available evidence and are therefore misleading to those who read, see or hear them.
To help facilitate this project we have gathered a panel of Canadian educational experts. These distinguished panellists will be working with our team in order to ensure that our response to factual errors contains the actual facts in education as supported by empirical evidence. We will be distributing our response to the original media source of the story as well as to various other media outlets, and to educational stakeholders in Ontario.
The purpose of this project is not to critique any journalist or news outlet, but simply to ensure that people are aware of the real Facts in Education, facts which are backed by substantial research.
[Source : http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/rspe/Facts_in_Education/index.html]