Présentations du 40e colloque annuel SCUTREA

Présentations du 40e colloque annuel SCUTREA

Du 6 au 8 juillet a lieu à l'Université de Warwick (Royaume-Uni) la 40ième édition du colloque SCUTREA (Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults). Ce réseau anglais de professionnel(le)s impliqués dans la recherche ou la pratique en éducation continue organise annuellement un colloque dont le thème, cette année, est l'apprentissage, l'enseignement et la recherche en éducation des adultes hier, aujourd'hui et demain :  («LOOKING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD: Learning, Teaching and Research in Adult Education Past, Present and Future.»)

Toutes les communications sont archivées dans la base du British Education Index. Vous les retrouverez en faisant une recherche avec ces mots-clés : "40th Annual SCUTREA Conference". Voici un aperçu des titres :

      Adult literacy provision in Aotearoa New Zealand: some tensions Nick Zepke  
      A sector in transition: changing expectations for the early years' workforce Hazel Wright  
      "Thou art the man": social ecology and narrative imaginal pedagogy Peter Willis  
      A contrasting world: adult education and lifelong learning, history and life history in the study of adult learning Linden West  
      Community education and lifelong learning Lynn Tett  
      An exploration of cross-border continuing adult training in Southeast Asia Xiaoping Tang and Shanshan Yang  
      Community planning as community of practice: qualitative evaluation of an early childhood development intervention programme Hongxia Shan, Nazeem Muhajarine, Kristjana Loptson and Fleur Macqueen Smith  
      Centres "Down Under": mapping Australia's neighbourhood centres Donna Rooney  
      Rethinking adult education and lifelong learning research: the utility of an analytics of governmentality and "assemblages" Ann Reich  
      Digging deep for clues to higher ground: researching professionalism in a further education (FE) college Annie Ostapenko-Denton  
      Forty years of SCUTREA: untangling the gender threads Rebecca O'Rourke  
      Where can I take this? The case for supervision of mentors in Initial Teacher Training Bev Morris  
      Reconstructing myths: a role for adult educators Marilyn Miller and Judith Plessis  
      History or mythology? "Living Room Learning" and the demise of liberal adult education in Canada Scott McLean  
      "Tracing our roots: imagining our future": a life history of adult education in the Republic of Ireland Kay Maunsell  
      Embedding literacy, language and numeracy: first steps in a whole of organisation approach Linda Leach  
      Looking back looking forward: vocational education and training (VET) policy and practice in England and Scotland Robert Lawy  
      Life stories of NGO leadership change in Cambodia: from the perspective of transformative learning Rikio Kimura  
      TV teacher: how adults learn through tv viewing Christine Jarvis and Viv Burr  
      Lots of cake and lashings of ginger beer: a glimpse forward to the Blytonesque future of PCET Jane Jackson  
      Reviving a community’s proud past to contemplate its future: what can the Antigonish Movement do for us today? Catherine J. Irving  
      "Walking back to happiness": a reappraisal of spirituality as an aspect of adult and university education Cheryl Hunt  
      Developing compelling spaces of learning Lioba Howatson-Jones  
      Through the looking glass: looking back, looking forward: learning, teaching and research in adult education past, present and future Ann-Marie Houghton  
      The "impact" of adult education on disciplinary knowledge: classics and history in twentieth century Britain John Holford  
      Towards a new architecture of knowledge: the office of community-based research at the University of Victoria Budd L. Hall and Lise Berube  
      Adult distance teaching and learning: comparing two Open University contexts Maria Gravani  
      Space matters: lifelong learning, sexual minorities, and realities of adult education as social education André P. Grace  
      Reclaiming the radical: using fiction to challenge the "facts" of a neoliberal discourse in lifelong learning Patricia A. Gouthro and Susan M. Holloway  
      Pragmatism and practice: the challenge of delivering and researching adult learning in a shifting climate Olivia Garvey and Lindsey Fraser  
      Lost time: adult literacy's neglect of disability in theory and practice Audrey Gardner  
      Derivative and indigenous modes in older adult education in Aotearoa/New Zealand Brian Findsen  
      The sociology of reproduction and the psychosociality of transformation: transitional space, object relations and les "miraculés" in higher education Mehri Holliday and Linden West  
      Towards a critical theory of access and retention in Irish higher education Ted Fleming and Fergal Finnegan  
      Studenthood and identification: higher education as a liminal transitional space John Field and Natalie Morgan-Klein  
      Exporting "people of British stock": training and emigration policy in inter-war Britain John Field  
      Governing elderly care workers: a technology of activation and technique of invitation Andreas Fejes and Katherine Nicoll  
      Words into worlds: the significance of language in the great unravelling of biographical narratives of adult learning Rob Evans  
      Examining the professionalism of adult educators Linda Evans  
      Informal learning at the workplace: structures within the apparently unstructured Regina Egetenmeyer  
      Work-based education about depression: ethical dilemmas revisited and a new workplace literacy emerges Lisa Davies  
      Messy learning? Legitimate peripheral participation in a community campaign Jim Crowther and Ian Martin  
      Libraries, literacies and lifelong learning: looking forward within higher education institutions Tatum Crowie  
      The role of university adult education tutors in England in the inter-war years Janet Coles  
      An international study of women's nonformal and informal political education and learning in Canada and India Darlene E. Clover and Catherine McGregor  
      The changing world of non-traditional learners at the University Centre Hastings (UK) Laura Cecil  
      Keeping the ACE flag flying: lessons from the history of adult and community education in Aotearoa New Zealand Marion Bowl, Robert Tobias and Jennifer Leahy  
      The role of adult educators: more than the grin on the Cheshire Cat? David Boud and Donna Rooney  
      Social deprivation and widening participation: the continuing power of local cultures Wayne Bailey  
      Situating SCUTREA Paul Armstrong  
      Learning to challenge time in adult education: a critical and complex perspective Michel Alhadeff-Jones