Dossier - Genre et écriture

Dossier - Genre et écriture

À lire dans le Vol. 3, No. 3 de la revue Journal of Writing Research :

Table des matières

Gender and literacy issues and research: Placing the spotlight on writing (PDF)
Shelley Stagg Peterson & Judy M. Parr

Mapping the landscape: Gender and the writing classroom (PDF)
Susan Jones

Children's gendered ways of talking about learning to write (PDF)
Nora Scheuer, Montserrat de la Cruz, Ana Pedrazzini, Maria Sol Iparraguirre & Juan Ignacio Pozo

Girls, identities and agency in adolescents' digital literacy practices (PDF)
Dimitrios Koutsogiannis & Vassiliki Adampa

Is it differences in language skills and working memory that account for girls being better at writing than boys? (PDF)
Lorna Bourke & Anne-Marie Adams