European e-Skills 2008 Conference - Implementing a long term e-skills strategy in Europe


9 Octobre 2008 - 04h00 - 10 Octobre 2008 - 03h59

Date :  du 09-10-2008 au 10-10-2008

Lieu :  Thessalonique

Organisation :  Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle (CEDEFOP) - Commission européenne

Programme : 
The European Commission adopted on 7 September 2007 a Communication on “e-Skills for the 21st Century: Fostering Competitiveness, Growth and Jobs” presenting a long term e-skills agenda and including five major action lines at the European level. The Competitiveness Council of Ministers adopted Conclusions on a long term e-skills strategy at its meeting on 22-23 November 2007.

A successful implementation of an e-skills strategy in Europe is considered of great importance within the renewed Lisbon strategy (Presidency Conclusions March 2008) and as a part of lifelong learning strategies (2006 Recommendation on key competences).

The conference will bring together experts from government, ICT industry, social partners, academia and other stakeholders. It will present and discuss best practices, flagship projects and report on progress.
Participation at the conference is free of charge but on invitation only.

La participation à la conférence est réservée à des personnes invitées. Diaporamas et articles seront toutefois publiés sur le site à l'issue de la conférence. Des informations complémentaires sont disponibles sur les pages e-skills du Cedefop.



