AERC 2010 - 51st Annual Adult Education Research Conference (3-6 juin)


3 Juin 2010 - 04h00 - 4 Juin 2010 - 03h59

Organisé par : 

Adult Education Research Conference (AERC)

Pour la 51ème édition de ce congrès sur la recherche en éducation des adultes (Adult Education Research Conference (AERC)),  se greffe cette année la troisième conférence occidentale sur la recherche en éducation des adultes (3rd Western Region Research Conference on the Education of Adults (WRRCEA)). 

L'événement aura lieu du 3 au 6 juin à la California State University, à Sacramento aux États-Unis.

Parmi les thématiques abordées : Race, genre, langues et classe; facteurs socio-culturels et politiques; justice sociale; Orientation sexuelle; Éducation des adultes et développement; recherche participative; Spiritualité, etc.  (Voir tous les thèmes)

-> Programme préliminaire (PDF)

-> Site du Congrès

Présentation originale anglaise :

The Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) is an annual North American conference that provides a forum for adult education researchers to share their experiences and the results of their studies with students, other researchers, and practitioners from around the world.

In a sense, the AERC is also a retreat for members of the adult education community; an informal, collegial gathering where all are encouraged to enter into lively debate over the future direction of research in adult education.

Key conference topics will include race, gender, language, class, socio-cultural and political factors, sexual orientation, white racial identity, identity politics, social justice, perspective transformation, somatic learning, adult learning and development, critical theory, phenomenology, participatory research, historical methods, program planning, spirituality, hegemony and marginalization, critical pedagogy, critical race theory, on-line learning, globalization and internalization, literacy (ABE/BDE, ESL), community college and higher education, corrections, adult participation in educational activities, and much more!


