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The purpose of the research is the study of sexualization and objectification in Ico Gasparri’s photos. Gasparri is a social artist who, from 1990 until 2011, photographed roadside advertising billboards. A theoretical definition of Objectification and Sexualization notions will be provided which will be followed by the two coding schemes, which were used to analyze Gasparri’s photos. The first coding scheme conceptualized by Gasparri, Mura, Tosoncin and Volpato (2011), analyses the Objectification concept. The second coding scheme analyzes images using Hatton and Trautner’s scheme (2011), and focuses on the concept of Sexualization. In the final part of my discussion, I will present the data which indicate that 80,86% of advertising characters are sexualized or hypersexualized. As far as Objectification is concerned, the data indicate that subjects in advertising are further objectified or sexually objectified in the roles they play.
Elisa Tosoncin has a BA in Psychology Science and Psychological Techniques. She has a specialized degree in Social and Decisional Processes in Psychology and Economic Behaviours. The thesis is entitled “IF THIS IS A WOMAN…Sexualization and Objectivation in Milan Advertising on billboards”. Other research interests are Women in Italian Society, Women and Catholicism.