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Dear friends, we would like to invite you to attend a one-day workshop on building new culture, equality and fighting violence against women in Middle East and immigrant Arab women in the West within different socio-economic and social fabrics.
Speakers at the workshop will discuss a number of subjects, including legislations, constitutions and social norms that are related and have an impact in the Middle East and also in Canada.
- The workshop will have five speakers to discuss the following subjects and each is followed by a period of discussion.
- An overview of the situation of women in the Middle East, the new governments and women, immigrant Arab women in Canada and how they are affected.
- The Canadian law and how it protects women and respects international law in the area of fighting violence against women.
- Case study : how the social factor could be a hindrance to the development of Arab women in the Middle East compared to Canada.
- Laws and constitutions in the Arab region and how they view women and treat them legally in the area of violence - focus on Syrian law, similarities with Egypt and others. Brief comparison with Scandinavian counties.
- Canadian organizations and how they protect women.. Shelters for Arab and Muslim women in particular. Difficulties and social barriers.
- Guest speaker via Skype.
Empowering women became a crucial-urgent aspect in liberating many, many of women who are stocked in the yard of violence, poverty and hunger. Education and limited legal protection as well as many elements have become the targeted tools of any strategy for building new culture and better future for women. So the aim of the workshop is to examine violence against women, investigating legislation and threats towards women, impact of changing world and the Arab world, the need for cultural changes. Successful case studies of women’ s empowerment.
Contact number: 514-9231121 - Tayma// 514-6557299 Kinda
(Lunch will be served at lunch break and there will be coffee breaks in morning and afternoon)
Alalyiaa legal Advice Office was established in 2010 in Damascus, Syria to defend women rights as part of Human Rights in Syria, Arab World and Europe, providing bro-bono services. Most importantly raising awareness towards certain violations such as trafficking in women, honor crimes, divorce, rape and violence in all types. Focusing on violence against women under violations of Human Rights within conservative society and discriminatory culture has been real challenge for the office.