Webinaire « State of the Field of Literacy and Essential Skills in Canada »


30 Janvier 2013 - 19h00 - 31 Janvier 2013 - 18h59

For the first time those interested in the Field and beyond have an exhaustive document to refer to when looking to get a solid overview of Literacy and Essential Skills in Canada. Painstakingly researched, supported by CLLN’s network members’ environmental scans, as well as reviews of all current resources available, this report is the baseline for future editions to come.

The report reviews and analyzes demographic, economic, labour market and governmental trends and issues. The findings will help stakeholder gain a better understanding of the broader economic, social and political environment relevant to labour market attachment, reducing skills shortages for economic well-being and an inclusive, prosperous Canada. The literacy and essential skills sector is set to play an important role in assuring Canada’s economic success through a skilled workforce.

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