Conférence « Women and sport in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries »


20 Juin 2013 - 04h00 - 22 Juin 2013 - 03h59

Women's access to sports and physical education is a story made by advances and retreats, punctuated by discrimination, mentalities’ shifts and social achievements. In fact, by the end of 1800, women's participation in sporting events was only looked upon as entertainment, giving particular attention to body and facial postures, and to feminine beauty, setting physical strength, agility and skill of the athletes as second level of importance. The Summer Olympics are a clear illustration of this historical path.

Women start participating in sports’ competitions in 1770 at the British Games, however it was only at the Olympic Games held in 2012, in London, that they were represented in all disciplines of the Olympic program.

The "Women and Sport in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries" conference seeks to analyze, in a critical and integrated way, the history of this journey, watching its multiple dimensions and approaches: social, economic, political, cultural, legal, ethical, organizational, media, medical and gender. This meeting aims to provide a space of discussion, seeking to stimulate and further develop studies in the History of Sports, particularly in the field of History of Women’s Sports.

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