International Conference « Professionalisation of Adult Educators. International and Comparative Perspectives »


1 Novembre 2013 - 04h00 - 4 Novembre 2013 - 03h59

In many regions, professionalisation in adult and continuing education is brought into the focus of educational policy. The professionalisation approaches and strategies are diverse and vary due to the corresponding key actors and cooperations, national cultures and historical particularities and there are many controversial elements to the approaches.

We want to focus on the historical development and current trends in the various regions from an international (and comparative) perspective thus revealing common factors as well as differences in the context of the individual social development, including the growing concerns around external control of culturally specific systems. What some may see as new opportunities others will consider as hazards and contradictions in terms of professional development. In particular, we welcome research activities that focus on one of the three topical fields and the following research questions as well as critiques of current approaches within these fields.

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