Aboriginal Literacy Symposium 2013


6 Novembre 2013 - 05h00 - 8 Novembre 2013 - 04h59

The Literacy Partners of Manitoba is proud to announce our 3rd Annual Aboriginal Literacy Symposium 2013 (ALS) slated for November 6th & 7th 2013 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The Aboriginal Literacy Symposium has been one of Literacy Partners of Manitoba’s (LPM) most important projects in the past 2 years. We, at LPM, understand the need to work in partnership with the Aboriginal community at a grassroots level to achieve the common goal of increasing literacy in the Aboriginal community.

The vision of the ALS is that ‘All Aboriginal people excel and reach their full potential through a holistic approach to literacy and lifelong learning.’ and that is supported by the guidance of the Seven Sacred Teachings; Respect, Love, Humility, Honesty, Courage, Truth and Wisdom. The work is made possible through partnerships, common goals and by focusing on the three main objectives which are; to establish focused dialogue and information sharing on Aboriginal Literacy issues; to establish a network of individuals and organizations committed to improving Aboriginal Literacy, and; to continue the process of developing a shared vision and action plan for improving Aboriginal Literacy.

Keynote Speakers for Symposium 2013 include: Theodore Fontaine, Author of ‘Broken Circle’ his residential school legacy and pioneer who promotes literacy across Canada. A panel on Literacy and Education, featuring; Deborah Young, of University of Manitoba, Jennifer Rattray of University of Winnipeg, representatives of University College of the North and Red River College.

-> Pour plus d'information

