1st International Conference Higher Education and Mobilities 2013


19 Décembre 2013 - 05h00 - 21 Décembre 2013 - 04h59

This international conference takes place today in a context of major change in both higher education and the academic world. These transformations which are of variable intensity  depending on the country, can be considered as multi-dimensional and include issues such as : high enrolment rates, increased social and cultural heterogeneity, development of and change in mobility (institutional, territorial, international), diversification of the offer of academic institutions (public and private, reconfiguration of the institutional landscape), changes in policy guidelines, such as the Bologna Process which aims at the establishment of a uniform higher education system across European nations.

The international conference will focus on individual and group behaviours, strategies and trajectories which are strongly affected by and find themselves remodelled in the current context. We propose the term mobility as a central notion for apprehending the phenomena. In the current call for papers, we distinguish five closely related but different forms of mobility.

