En savoir davantage:
The EDI Conference welcomes a wide range of streams about the complex relationship between equality, diversity and inclusion from different theoretical, empirical and methodological angles as well as across various trans/inter/national and disciplinary contexts. We want to draw particular attention to the concept of inclusion which often serves as an implicit anchor of equality and diversity policies but is rarely explicitly addressed in the context of its specific meaning, measurability and corresponding practices. Furthermore, a focus on inclusion provides the opportunity to look simultaneously at centers and peripheries. In order to analyze mechanisms of inclusion (and exclusion), patterns of privilege as well as practices of discrimination need to come to the foreground. Against this backdrop, we appreciate stream proposals that engage with all types of research questions and strands concerning inclusion/exclusion, equality and diversity at the workplace. Moreover, we are also interested in contributions which combine these topics with the general quality of life for which an inclusive working environment plays a major role. However, the relational and dynamic understanding of inclusion presented here is not intended to pose limits for stream themes and approaches.
Streams are designed in a traditional academic format whereas workshops are more open to unconventional and informal procedures. The 2014 edition also welcomes pre-conference workshops to be held on June 7, 2014.