6th Annual Conference on Quality Assurance in Online Learning, « Charting the Course »


29 Septembre 2014 - 04h00 - 2 Octobre 2014 - 03h59

On behalf of the program committee, we want to welcome you to our 6th Annual Conference on Quality Assurance in Online Learning, "Charting the Course". The conference is being held at the Renaissance Harborplace in Baltimore, Maryland.

QM's 6th Annual Conference offers opportunities for educators, administrators and other professionals to connect with people and organizations who’ve succeeded in helping create high-quality online and blended courses. You'll hear an inspiring and thought-provoking keynote address, network with peers, decision-makers and QM staff and work collaboratively to address tough topics in education while exploring effective ways to improve course quality for students.
Conference Keynote Panel

This year's keynote address,"Quality Reconsidered – How Can Quality Assurance Navigate Today's Currents of Change?"  tackles how growing pressure to reduce the cost of higher education, accelerate student progress, and emphasize competencies in the certification of student learning is bringing change to traditional colleges and universities, opening doors to new providers, and inviting experiments in unbundling the services that higher education institutions have typically provided.

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