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The advent of the fourth industrial revolution means that we must prepare urgently for dramatic changes to the way that we learn, live, and work.
The connectivity of cyber-physical systems is transforming the needs of society and employers — and breaking down the limits of national borders. There is a danger that the demand for new skills, to match future industries, may outpace the provision of appropriate training and education. So how should the VET sector respond to the continuous developments of emerging technologies? How should we promote international cooperation? And, what will be the face of skills in an era without borders?
WorldSkills Conference 2017 is the event where you can help shape the global skills agenda, with other leading figures from industry, governments, international organizations, and academia. Join these opinion formers as we explore the changing skills demands of the globalized world, and the required response.
The Conference will focus on a number of areas, including:
- The globalization of skills and careers in an increasingly digitized world
- The mismatch between jobs and skills
- Labour force mobility and the constraints of existing qualifications
- The specific challenges for skills in cities
- Combatting gender inequality in skills