Un nouveau site pour accéder au Rapport global sur l'état de l'éducation des adultes (GRALE)
En préparation de CONFINTEA VI, le groupe consultatif réuni en mars 2007 à Helsingor avait recommandé la production d'un rapport général sur l'apprentissage et l'éducation des adultes, qui réunisse des données à la fois quantitatives et qualitatives, et qui serve de document de référence et d'argumentaire, en faisant le point sur les tendances et les difficultés rencontrées en apprentissage et éducation des adultes.
Ce document, le Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE) rassemblera les points de vue, les attentes des gouvernements, de la société civile, des chercheurs, et de tous les acteurs de ce domaine. Le rapport sera prêt à temps pour la CONFINTEA et mis en ligne sur le site Internet qui répertorie pour l'instant les rapports nationaux et régionaux à partir desquels ils sera élaboré.
Pour en savoir davantage accédez au site du GRALE
Présentation extraite du site :
The need for a global report on adult learning and education was raised in the process of preparing for the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI). In the first meeting of the CONFINTEA VI Consultative Group held in Helsingor in March 2007, it was recommended that, in view of the absence of a global reference document or report on adult learning and education (ALE), such a report be produced under the leadership of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), which is coordinating the CONFINTEA VI process.
Given the above, the Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE) is meant to address this gap by bringing together quantitative and qualitative data analyzed from the perspectives of the broad range of stakeholders in the field. GRALE will be a reference document and an advocacy tool and a key input to CONFINTEA VI. The executive summary of GRALE will constitute the substance part of the CONFINTEA VI working document.
As a reference document, GRALE is expected to show trends and issues in ALE. As an advocacy tool, it will promote the importance of ALE and show effective practices. By bringing together the perspectives of government, civil society, academe, research institutions and multilateral agencies, GRALE is expected to reflect the wide coverage and diverse ways ALE is understood and implemented. GRALE will be developed on the basis of the three main sources: National CONFINTEA VI Reports and Regional Synthesis Reports; Reviews and analyses of existing studies, research findings and documents (secondary literature); and Published reports and ongoing initiatives or programmes of bilateral and multilateral agencies.
[Source: http://graleconfintea6.net/ ]