Appel à article pour le Journal of Adult and Continuing Education (JACE)
Le Journal of Adult and Continuing Education (JACE) lance un appel à proposition d'article pour un numéro spécial sur l'éducation des adutles, les arts et la créativité.
Les propostions d'articles de 200 mots sont attendues d'ici au 1er mai. Les articles dont les propositions auront été acceptées, devront être rédigés pour le 15 octobre et seront évalués par des pairs.
Version intégrale de l'appel (en langue originale anglaise):
The broad theme of this special issue is adult education, the arts and creativity.
Papers will focus on how the arts are being used as a tool of adult education and lifelong learning in communities, or university and college adult education/lifelong learning classrooms. Papers could also focus on arts-based research, linking that with learning and education within a social, cultural or environmental change/justice context. Papers could also look at relationships between universities and arts and cultural organisations.
Papers can be theory, research or policy development based. All will be double blind peer reviewed.
If you are interested in submitting an article, please send a 200 word abstract to Darlene Clover by May 1, 2010 (
Please do not use headers or footers and use single-spacing only. Do not include a covering page. Also, use your name in the title of the abstract (e.g. clover JACE abstract). Submit only one page with the title, name(s) of the author underneath and then the abstract.
The arts, lifelong learning and social justice
By Thomas Aquinas
200 words here of abstract (no more than this)
You will be notified no later than June 15, 2010 of acceptance. If your abstract is accepted, the full article will need to be submitted by October 15 for external peer review. Articles will be limited to between 6000 and 7000 words in length, using the Harvard style of referencing, and may be submitted as an email attachment in Word. Full guidelines will be sent out to those accepted.
Please note that although your abstract may be selected and you prepare a paper, we cannot guarantee acceptance by peer reviewers.
University of Victoria
Faculty of Education, Leadership Studies
P.O. Box 3010
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3N4
Fax: 250-721-6190
[Source : Voices Rising, no347]