En savoir davantage:
The unifying theme for RWL9 is Work and Learning in the Era of Globalisation: Challenges for the 21st Century. The conference will centre the exchange of ideas around the following questions:
- How does globalisation mediate skills, performance and work?
- What are the implications of the changing nature of work for learning through work?
- In what ways can Vocational Education and Training policies and systems be responsive to the changing nature of work and global and regional pressures?
Delegates can look forward to exploring collaborations and discuss solutions to meet today’s challenges and future scenarios.
Past RWL
The RWL conference series was established in 1999 and convenes every two years. Past conferences have been held in the UK, Canada, Finland, Australia, South Africa, Denmark and China. The conference series is organised through the leadership of the RWL International Advisory Committee, in close support with the Journal of Workplace Learning and Emerald Publishing.