Congrès sur le travail et la formation (Edmonton, 24 et 25 avril)
Le Work and Learning Network co-organise avec le Centre for the Study of Education and Work, OISE/UT, un congrès intitulé “Perspectives on Labour Shortages: Exploring the Education-Jobs Gap” (Perspectives sur les pénuries de main d'oeuvre: Exploration du fossé entre l'éducation et l'emploi). Le congrès aura lieu les 24 et 25 octobre à Edmonton. L'appel à proposition (disponible uniquement en anglais) est lancé jusqu'au 15 avril.
October 24 & 25, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta
This conference, “Perspectives on Labour Shortages: Exploring the Education-Jobs Gap” is co-sponsored with the Centre for the Study of Education and Work, OISE/UT.
A conference encouraging dialogue between and among academics and the community.
Deadline for proposals: April 15, 2008.
Formal education and training are often seen as critical in addressing concerns about global competitiveness in Canada and in other industrialized countries. In this context, it is appropriate to ask questions like:
- Who is responsible for education and training, how should it be delivered, and how can access for underrepresented groups be expanded?
- How and why is formal and informal work-related learning provided assessed, and recognized?
- To what extent are workers’ skills being utilized in the workplace?
- How are labour force needs determined? What do the terms “labour shortage” and “skills shortage” mean, who determines them, and what are the implications?
- What impact is the changing labour force having on civil society and the Social Economy?
For more information, please visit
To submit a proposal, visit
Proposals will be refereed by the Conference Program Committee and decisions will be communicated by May 31, 2008.
Work and Learning Network:
Centre for the Study of Education and Work: