Colloque européen sur l'alphabétisation 2008

Colloque européen sur l'alphabétisation 2008

Dans le cadre du suivi des recommandations du Colloque sur l’alphabétisation qui a eu lieu à Lyon, France, en 2005, l’Institut de l’UNESCO pour l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie (UIL) a invité 15 spécialistes internationaux de la recherche en alphabétisation à se réunir les 18 et 19 février derniers à Hambourg, Allemagne.

Ce Colloque européen sur l’alphabétisation 2008 a eu pour objectif de partager les résultats des dernières recherches en alphabétisation et d’étudier les implications en matière de politiques et de programmes qui en découlent.

Les conclusions de cette rencontre serviront à alimenter le programme LIFE (Literacy Initiative for Empowerment) et la conférence internationale sur l'éducation et la formation des adultes CONFINTEA VI (laquelle mettra un fort accent sur l’alphabétisation). En voici un bref survol :
  • Il existe encore de grandes variations dans le financement et l’effort d’alphabétisation en Europe, ainsi que dans la répartition des parties prenantes
  • Seuls quelques pays d'Europe (comme la France et l'Irlande) se sont dotés d’agences purement dévouées à la coordination de la recherche en alphabétisation.
  • L’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) demeure la partie prenante principale dans la recherche en alphabétisation, en Europe comme dans le monde.
Pour plus d'information, contacter:
Carol Medel-Anonuevo

Article original ci-dessous (en anglais)


European Literacy Research Meeting

From 18–19 February 2008, 15 literacy research experts came together at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning for a European Literacy Research Meeting. The meeting built on previous activities of UIL, in particular the European Regional Meeting on Literacy that was held in 2005 in Lyon, France. While the issue of measuring literacy was a major concern of the Lyon meeting, it was also clear that a broader research agenda was needed to develop and/or reinforce policies and improve quality of programmes.

Framed within the United Nations Literacy Decade, the European Literacy Research Meeting brought together representatives of research institutions from Austria, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Norway, Romania, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland as well as a representative from the OECD, who reported on their latest or upcoming research initiatives.

The presentations covered four themes:
  1. Comparative surveys;
  2. Research on learners’ needs and backgrounds;
  3. Research on quality and the enhancement of provision;
  4. Research on literacy in the context of the economy and work.
In addition to sharing the results of the latest country-specific research, participants also discussed the policy and programme implications of those results. As UIL is coordinating LIFE, lessons drawn from this meeting will be fed back to the series of LIFE activities. Finally, as the Institute prepares for the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) with literacy one of the key topics, the results of the meeting will also be used to generate recommendations for CONFINTEA VI.

The meeting showed that the funding and effort invested in literacy research in Europe varies considerably. Likewise there is variance in the stakeholders that carry out research on adult literacy in Europe. The NDRC stands out as a centre solely devoted to research on adult literacy and numeracy.
Just a few countries, such as France and Ireland, have established agencies whose sole purpose is to coordinate literacy research. More frequently, adult education institutes, universities and non-government organizations carry out research in the field. As an international institution, the OECD is a major stakeholder in literacy research, both in Europe and worldwide.

The participants stressed the need for improved networking and cooperation, and for the coordination of existing or planned initiatives such as literacy (research) databases. UIL is currently planning a database for the dissemination of literacy research findings.

Contact: Carol Medel-Anonuevo