Trois annonces de l'Institut pour l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie (UIL) de l'UNESCO
L'Institut pour l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie de l'UNESCO (UIL de son acronyme anglais) a profité de la Journée internationale de l'alphabétisation (JIA) pour mettre de l'avant les trois initiatives suivantes.
8 septembre, l'Institut a organisé un
événement à Berlin pour
célébrer une initiative
majeure du
Ministère fédéral allemand de
l'Éducation et de la Recherche, qui vise à
promouvoir la recherche en alphabétisation et
éducation de base. Ce projet de 30 millions d'euros
s'inscrit dans le cadre de la Décennie
des Nations-Unies pour l'Alphabétisation
(2003-2012) et permettra le développement
d'activités sur une période de 4 ans, de 2008
à 2012. L'Institut a choisi la JIA pour inaugurer le site web de cette
initiative : alphabund
journée fut aussi l'occasion de rappeler la tenue de deux conférences
d'envergure, qui auront lieu conjointement du 10 au 13 septembre 2008,
à Mexico. Il s'agit en effet de la Conférence
régionale préparatoire
à CONFINTEA VI en Amérique Latine et au
Caraïbe (de l'UNESCO) et de la dernière
édition d'une série de Conférences
régionales en faveur de l'alphabétisation
organisées en 2007 et 2008.
Pour terminer, l'Institut a également fait la promotion du programme LIFE (Literacy Initiative for Empowerment), cadre stratégique global pour la mise en œuvre de la Décennie des Nations Unies pour l’alphabétisation. Il a notamment annoncé la lancement de la version test du forum d'échange en ligne LIFEline, qui permettra aux parties prenantes du programme de discuter et d'apprendre des expériences des pays ciblés par LIFE.
Lire l'annonce
complète (en anglais) : ci-dessous
Announcement, 5
September 2008
International Literacy Day 2008 : UIL’s activities
8 September – International Literacy Day –, the
UNESCO Institute for
Lifelong Learning will be holding a national event in Berlin, which it
organised in collaboration with its partners, the Federal Association
Literacy and Basic Education (BVAG) and the German Adult Education
Association (DVV),
with the support of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research
(BMBF). The
national celebrations will be held on the premises of the Federal Press
Conference, and will pay tribute to the German Federal Ministry of
and Research (BMBF)’s 30 million-euro initiative promoting
research in the area
of literacy and basic education. The keynote speaker will be Ursula
Howard, former
Director of the National Research Development Centre (NRDC), UK, who
will talk
about the British experience with regard to literacy research and its
impact on
policy development.
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning is in charge of sustaining and transferring the results of the BMBF initiative, which contributes to the United Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD, 2003-2012). UIL has launched a logo (“alphabund”) and is currently developing a website for the initiative, which will be launched on International Literacy Day.
From 10 to 13 September 2008, a joint Regional Literacy and CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place in Mexico City, which is being co-organized by UIL.
The conference, which will be hosted by the Government of Mexico and organized in cooperation with the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA), will be attended by Ministers of Education and other decision-makers, representatives of governments and multi-lateral partners, regional NGOs, privatesector experts and stakeholders, universities, and the media. Under the title “From Literacy to Lifelong Learning: Towards the Challenges of the 21st Century”, the conference will merge two major UNESCO initiatives. It will be one of five regional UNESCO conferences to be held in preparation for the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI), which will take place in Brazil in May 2009. At the same time, it will be the last in the series of regional Conferences in Support of Global Literacy organized by UNESCO in 2007 and 2008 in Doha (Qatar), Beijing (China), Bamako (Mali), New Delhi (India) and Baku (Azerbaijan).
International Literacy Day also provides an occasion to put the spotlight on the Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE), UNESCO’s flagship initiative for the implementation of the United Nations Literacy Decade. LIFE is a ten-year (2006-2015) strategic framework for the acceleration of literacy efforts in 35 countries in which literacy poses a critical challenge. Several LIFE countries have received special support to help them review their national literacy and non-formal education policies and strengthen their capacities for the delivery of good-quality literacy programmes. In the meantime, a number of other countries have adopted LIFE as an overall framework to enhance partnerships and mobilise additional resources for literacy. LIFE has also led to networking and South-South cooperations, as well as enhanced opportunities for the exchange of good practice. LIFEline, an online exchange platform for LIFE stakeholders to share and learn from experiences in LIFE countries will launch its test site at on 8 September.
Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)
Maren Elfert, Public Relations
Feldbrunnenstr. 58, D-20148 Hamburg.
Tel.: +49-40-448041-17.