30th International ICM Congress « Midwives: Improving Women's Health Globally »


1 Juin 2014 - 04h00 - 6 Juin 2014 - 03h59

Each ICM Congress is unique and  provides an opportunity to share knowledge, network and strengthen midwifery in various regions of the world. The 30th ICM Congress in Prague will bring to the forefront the challenges facing midwifery, particularly in Eastern Europe, and the bridges we must build to ensure high quality women-centred midwifery care in that region of the world. Governments and our global partners have recognized that midwives are an essential workforce to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 by 2015.

The theme for the 2014 congress is ‘Midwives: Improving Women’s Health Globally’, a theme which reflects MDG 5: To improve maternal health. Work has started already to bring you a very special 30th Triennial Congress in one of Europe‘s very special capital cities. An ICM Congress is memorable not to be missed event.  It is  about the experience of thousands of midwives sharing excellence in practice,education and research and much more; it is also about mutual support at a  global level. I look forward to welcoming you and wish you well as you start forward planning and gathering funds for the Prague Congress.

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