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The National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Zimbabwe will be hosting an International Conference on Gender Mainstreaming at Higher Educations Institutions beyond 2015. The conference will be held at the Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe from the 16th to the 17th of September 2014. This international event intends to bring together over 150 delegates from all over the world to discuss Gender Mainstreaming at Higher Education Institutions beyond 2015. Gender inequalities worldwide have attracted a lot of effort to try to rectify the problem, and yet a lot remains to be done. Conferences and workshops continue to be held in an effort to strike a balance in equality between men and women in all sectors of society. Research has led to the formation of Gender Equity Protocols and Agreements by the United Nations and regional organizations such as the SADC, to which member countries have signed and ratified. This will be a forum to discuss issues and share experiences on Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education Institutions.