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IITE-2014 International Conference “New Challenges for Pedagogy and Quality Education: MOOCs, Clouds and Mobiles” will be held on On October 14-15, 2014 in Moscow.
To provide an effective platform for discussion of strategy, policy and the best practices of ICT application in education and professional development of educators, as well as development and implementation of innovative approaches for integration of ICT and pedagogics for ensuring equal access of various social and demographic groups of the UNESCO Member States to high-quality education and lifelong learning within the UNESCO program priorities for the period after 2015.
The conference will become the platform for constructive dialogue between the policy makers, heads of governing educational institutions, scientists, practitioners, representatives of the academic community, the state and private sectors, as well as the potential donors, directed on identification of current trends and innovative approaches to effective ICT use in education.
A special focus of the conference will be paid to recommendations and UNESCO’s vision on application of the open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs), teacher ICT competence and professional development, as well as ensuring quality and gender equality in education. The conference participants will exchange opinions on the potential of advanced ICTs and will analyze existing experience on information and educational resources, cloudy services and mobile technologies of the developing global inclusive Knowledge Society for ensuring access to high-quality education for all including persons with disabilities, women and girls.