16 Octobre 2014 - 04h00 - 19 Octobre 2014 - 03h59
En savoir davantage:
The International Conference "Key Methodology to Successful Competence Based Learning" is organised in the frames of an international project KEYS, implemented with the support from EC through LLP (539401-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-COMENIUS-CAM).
The KEYS project aims at valorisation and dissemination of outcomes of successful projects and initiatives addressing acquisition of key competences.
The Conference agenda on 17th and 18th October contains key-note speeches, workshops, presentations, discussions, dedicated to development of key competences for lifelong learning.
The topics of the conference sessions are:
- Key competences for communication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages;
- Key competences in maths, sciences and technology
- Developing the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- Social and civic key competences
- Digital key competence
- Intercultural communication, cultural awareness and expression
- Learning to learn
- Developing key competences in different educational environments: early school age, general education, informal & non-formal education
- Competence based approach to initial teacher education / in-service teacher training
- Policies encouraging competence based education
- Assessment of competence based learning outcomes
- 21st century competences / classrooms