En savoir davantage:
The 3LInC’14 conference provides an opportunity to discuss issues of importance and relevance to advancing knowledge and democratising education. This conference is of interest to those involved in Continuing Education, Continuing Professional Development, Educational Programme Developers, Academicians, Researchers, Regulators, Policy Makers, Professional Associations and Learning Organisations from around the world. 3LInC’14 is unique in its diversity with a common theme focusing on Lifelong Learning Initiatives: New Frontier and Sustainability. With ever-accelerating developments continue to influence the changing educational landscape, 3LInC’14 is here to provide an avenue to exchange views and experiences, formulate strategies, forge academic fraternities, and, all in all, contribute positively towards democratising education for all.
It is pertinent to look back and reflect on the many changes that have taken place on professional development of human and social capital as well as education. At a time when the national education systems are going through some of their most dramatic changes, a focus that seems to be universal is to keep teaching, learning and training of human capital as up-to-date and relevant as possible. Higher learning institutions are expected to adapt their own methodologies to reflect the new reality of a world characterised by technological advancements and globalisation, to make the necessary changes to keep up with the best practices available and to help deliver the best possible educational experience and training to all human beings.