OpenLivingLab Days 2016


23 Août 2016 - 00h00 - 26 Août 2016 - 23h59

OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community, formally the ENoLL Summer School. The annual 4 day event includes interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits with the aim of giving the participants a wider insight about models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs. Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject and to network with other Living Lab enthusiasts. We will welcome the 10th Wave of new ENoLL members to the network and hold a special conference day with the World Wide Community of Living Labs.


Henry F. Hall (H) Building. Université Concordia
1455 boul de Maisonneuve
Montréal, QC H3G 1M8