Rapports sur les adultes handicapés et l'emploi en Grande-Bretagne
À l'issue d'une série de colloques qu'il a organisé sur les adultes handicapés et l'emploi, le Learning and Skills Councils (LSC)(Grande- Bretagne) lance deux rapports. Le premier Learning for Work - publié en partenariat avec NIACE - fait le bilan de cette série de colloques et propose 12 recommandations afin d'assurer le développement des compétences des adultes handicapés. Le second Voice of the learner présente des témoignages d'adultes apprenants.
Ces deux rapports sont disponibles en anglais.
Launch of Learning for Work and Learner Voice
Between January and April 2008, each of the nine regional Learning and Skills Councils (LSC) hosted a Learning for Work: Employability and adults with disabilities conference. Partners from each region came together to focus on the development of policy and practice in the LSC's priority area for disabled learners to increase economic participation through sustainable employment.
The main Learning for Work report - published by the LSC in partnership with NIACE - summarises the key messages from last year's regional conferences. It sets out 12 recommendations for the LSC, and other stakeholders, on how the FE system can more effectively help disabled learners to develop their skills and support their progress into sustained work.
The voice of the learner is also a central feature, with learners giving keynote presentations, featuring in an additional Learner Voice report.
Both reports have been launched at three Enterprise and Employment for people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities conferences, chaired by Peter Little OBE.
Billy Saunders a learner at Merton College, spoke at the LSC London Learning for Work: Employability and people with disabilities conference last year. He said:
"Being visually impaired could hinder me getting a job. Surely that's discrimination. If you think about it, every single person in the whole world has a disability, because we all have things we can and cannot do...there are many different reasons that I may not get a job, but these reasons should not matter. I am as capable as everyone else in this room today."
Julie Lynes-Grainger LSC LLDD Director, launched the report saying:
"It is so important that we listen to learners' experiences to ensure policy and practice reflects their needs. A key message I took from the conferences was how powerful and motivating the learner voices were. I am delighted therefore that they are given the prominence they deserve with their own report."
Yola Jacobsen, a Programme Director at NIACE, said:
"The current economic climate and rising unemployment makes it even more important that there is access for everyone to the right vocational training and courses that will lead to jobs. This could be through competing in the open labour market or by creating employment opportunities through social enterprises."
-> Download main report (PDF)
-> Download Learner Voice report (PDF)
[Source : http://www.niace.org.uk/news/launch-of-learning-for-work-and-learner-voice]