3rd conference on Validation and Evidencing of Non-Formal and Informal Learning Activities


4 Mai 2010 - 04h00 - 5 Mai 2010 - 03h59

Organisé par : 


On May 4th 2010 the third conference on Validation and Evidencing of Non-Formal and Informal Learning Activities will be carried out in Alden Biesen, Belgium, organised by the REVEAL group.

Within this group a unique model procedure to evaluate, assess and evidence the competence development of learners in non-formal and informal contexts has been developed during 2005 and 2010 with the support of the EU Liefelong Learning Programme.
The approach has been developed to serve especially

  • Learners’ target groups that learn outside formal education contexts and
  • Their learning facilitators, be it adult learning providers, grass-root projects, care organisations and others.

It consists of a standardised five step procedure ("Level5"), a tool-box of practice oriented instruments and a user friendly web-based software system to promote the visibility of learning outcomes and to visualise the competence development of informal and non-formal learners.

From 2007 onwards the consortium carried out European conferences following the methodology of “active conferencing” to give participants the opportunity not just to listen to presentations but to practice on real cases.

-> Pour plus d'information, visitez le site de la conférence

