18 nov 2016
Articles en libre accès de la Revue internationale de l'éducation
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Jusqu'au 20 décembre, la Revue internationale de l'éducation vous offre en libre accès 10 articles récemment publiés. Cette promotion vise à mettre en valeur l'ajout récent de l'éducation tout au long de la vie à la thématique de la revue qui s'intéressait principalement à l'éducation comparée.
- Educating the adult brain: How the neuroscience of learning can inform educational policy (by Victoria C. P. Knowland and Michael S. C. Thomas)
- Livelihood planning and career guidance in Palestine and the broader MENA region (by Ronald G. Sultana)
- Freire, literacy and emancipatory gender learning (by Nelly P. Stromquist)
- Changing societies and four tasks of schooling: Challenges for strongly differentiated educational systems (by Herman G. van de Werfhorst)
- Humanisme : inventer l’avenir (by Federico Mayor)
- Lifelong literacy: Some trends and issues in conceptualising and operationalising literacy from a lifelong learning perspective (by Ulrike Hanemann)
- Literacy in the 21st century: Towards a dynamic nexus of social relations (by Aaron Benavot)
- Pathways from adult education to well-being: The Tuijnman model revisited (by Andrew Jenkins and Richard D. Wiggins)
- Skills development in the informal sector in India: The case of street food vendors (by Matthias Pilz, Gengaiah Uma and Rengan Venkatram)
- Lifelong learning: Foundational models, underlying assumptions and critiques (by Kapil Dev Regmi)