Articles en libre accès de la Revue internationale de l'éducation

18 nov 2016

Articles en libre accès de la Revue internationale de l'éducation

Jusqu'au 20 décembre, la Revue internationale de l'éducation vous offre en libre accès 10 articles récemment publiés. Cette promotion vise à mettre en valeur l'ajout récent de l'éducation tout au long de la vie à la thématique de la revue qui s'intéressait principalement à l'éducation comparée.

  • Educating the adult brain: How the neuroscience of learning can inform educational policy (by Victoria C. P. Knowland and Michael S. C. Thomas)
  • Livelihood planning and career guidance in Palestine and the broader MENA region (by Ronald G. Sultana)
  • Freire, literacy and emancipatory gender learning (by Nelly P. Stromquist)
  • Changing societies and four tasks of schooling: Challenges for strongly differentiated educational systems (by Herman G. van de Werfhorst)
  • Humanisme : inventer l’avenir (by Federico Mayor)
  • Lifelong literacy: Some trends and issues in conceptualising and operationalising literacy from a lifelong learning perspective (by Ulrike Hanemann)
  • Literacy in the 21st century: Towards a dynamic nexus of social relations (by Aaron Benavot)
  • Pathways from adult education to well-being: The Tuijnman model revisited (by Andrew Jenkins and Richard D. Wiggins)
  • Skills development in the informal sector in India: The case of street food vendors (by Matthias Pilz, Gengaiah Uma and Rengan Venkatram)
  • Lifelong learning: Foundational models, underlying assumptions and critiques (by Kapil Dev Regmi)